What Do Blue Birds Eat? (Feeding Tips for Bluebirds)

Bluebirds are charming and vibrant birds that bring happiness and joy to many birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. As insectivorous birds, bluebirds mainly consume insects such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, snails, termites, and spiders during the spring, summer, and early fall months. However, their diet undergoes some changes as winter approaches and insect populations decline.

During the colder months, bluebirds shift their focus to consuming fruits and berries to supplement their dwindling insect-based diet. Natural sources of nutrition for bluebirds in winter include grapes, cherries, and various types of berries from native plants. Understanding the eating habits and nutritional needs of bluebirds is essential for those who wish to attract these beautiful birds and provide an environment that supports their well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Bluebirds primarily eat insects during warmer months and rely on fruits and berries in colder months.
  • Providing supplemental food sources can help attract bluebirds to your yard.
  • Protecting bluebirds from predators and parasites is important for their overall health and well-being.

Bluebirds Overview

  • Bluebirds are a group of beautiful, vibrant birds that belong to the Thrush family and are native to North America. There are three species of bluebirds commonly seen in the region: the Eastern Bluebird, Western Bluebird, and Mountain Bluebird. Each species of these colorful birds holds a unique charm and can be distinguished by their distinctive plumage.
  • The Eastern Bluebird is found in eastern North America and is known for its brilliant royal blue back and head, along with warm red-brown on its chest. These birds are often seen perching on telephone wires or nesting in boxes, making them a delightful sight during summer drives.
  • On the other hand, Western Bluebirds are typically found in the western regions of North America. They are marked by deep blue coloration, with rusty orange on their chests. Mountain Bluebirds, inhabiting the mountainous areas, showcase a breathtaking sky-blue hue with little to no orange color.
  • Bluebirds are insectivorous, primarily feeding on insects such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, snails, termites, and spiders, especially during the spring, summer, and early fall. As winter approaches and insect populations decrease, bluebirds shift their diet to fruits and berries to fulfill their nutritional needs. By understanding their diet preferences, you can attract bluebirds to your backyard, adding color and vibrancy to your outdoor space.
  • In terms of population, bluebirds have faced challenges in the past due to habitat loss and competition for nesting spaces, but conservation efforts have helped their numbers bounce back. Setting up appropriate nesting boxes and providing a suitable environment for these birds can play a significant role in supporting their populations.

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Natural Diet of Bluebirds

Insects and Invertebrates

Bluebirds are known to have an insectivorous diet, feasting on a variety of insects and invertebrates such as worms, grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, ants, and spiders during the warmer months like summer, spring, and early fall. They primarily rely on these small critters for protein and energy, and their hunting skills play a vital role in controlling insect populations in their habitats.

Fruits and Berries

In addition to their love for insects, bluebirds also enjoy consuming fruits and berries. Some of the small tree and vine fruits they like include grapes and cherries. When insects become scarce during winter, bluebirds turn to fruits and berries to complement their diet. The consumption of these juicy treats not only helps them survive but also provides necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain good health.

Seasonal Variation

The feeding habits of bluebirds change with the seasons:

  • Summer: Insect populations are at their peak, allowing bluebirds to thrive with a diet mainly consisting of insects, worms, and other small invertebrates.
  • Fall: As temperatures drop and insects become less abundant, bluebirds start to shift their focus more toward fruits and berries.
  • Winter: The scarcity of insects during the cold months forces bluebirds to rely almost exclusively on fruits and berries for sustenance.
  • Spring: As the weather warms and insect populations begin to increase, bluebirds start feasting on insects once more and supplement their diet with some fruit and berries.

Feeding Baby Bluebirds

Baby bluebirds have unique dietary needs, as these growing birds require nutritious food to support their development. The parents of these young birds are responsible for feeding them and providing the essential nutrients. In general, baby bluebirds are insectivorous, which means their diet primarily consists of various insects such as snails, grasshoppers, spiders, and caterpillars.

The parents will collect and mash these insects, making them easier for the babies to consume and digest. This insect-based diet is important, as it provides the young birds with the necessary protein and energy sources to grow and thrive. Insects are also abundant and easily accessible for foraging bluebird parents during the spring, summer, and early fall months.

However, when colder temperatures arrive and the insect populations decrease, baby bluebirds may need to rely on other food sources to survive. Fruits and fresh berries become more crucial for their sustenance during the winter months. These food sources provide essential vitamins and minerals that help the young birds maintain their health and energy levels when insects are scarce.

In some cases, avian enthusiasts and birdwatchers may provide supplementary food for bluebirds, particularly during the nesting period. One common option is to offer mealworms as a nutritious and easily digestible protein source. These worms can be scattered around your yard or placed in an open dish, where bluebird parents can easily find and feed them to their babies.

Feeding baby bluebirds is an essential job for their parents, ensuring the young ones receive the proper nutrients and energy for growth and development. By relying on a diet of insects, fruits, and berries, these small birds can grow into healthy and thriving adults, contributing to the natural ecosystem and bird community.

Supplemental Feeding

Bird Feeders

Bluebirds often rely on supplemental feeding to complement their natural diet of insects and fruits. One way to help these birds obtain the necessary nourishment is by providing bird feeders offering suitable food choices. By placing a bird feeder in your yard, you offer them a convenient meal source during times when natural resources might be scarce.


Mealworms are a favored treat for bluebirds, as they closely resemble their natural insect diet. You can offer both live and dried mealworms in your bird feeders to attract these beautiful birds. Live mealworms provide extra nutrients and moisture, while dried mealworms are easier to store and handle. Offering mealworms can be particularly helpful during the breeding season when bluebirds need to feed their young and might struggle to find adequate food.

Other Foods

Besides mealworms, there are other suitable foods you can offer bluebirds to supplement their diet. Suet is a popular choice, as it provides fat which can be essential during periods of cool weather when insects might be scarce. Seeds, such as sunflower chips, can also be offered to provide additional nourishment. Finally, bluebirds enjoy various fruits, including wild holly, dogwood, pokeweed, and .tupelo, which can be offered in small amounts alongside other menu items to keep these colorful visitors coming back for more.

Moreover, be mindful of their natural diet, which consists of insect larvae, such as those from butterflies and moths, beetles, and crickets and grasshoppers. Offering varied options will ensure these feathered friends are well-fed and happy in your yard.

Attracting Bluebirds to Your Yard

Creating Habitat

To attract bluebirds to your yard, it’s essential to provide a suitable habitat for them to thrive. Bluebirds favor open spaces with a mix of trees and grassy areas. You can start by keeping your lawn trimmed and adding some native plants to provide a balanced environment. Additionally, incorporating trees and bushes in your backyard will offer natural perches and shelter for these beautiful birds.

Food Sources

Bluebirds primarily consume insects during spring, summer, and early fall, with fruits becoming a more significant part of their diet in colder months when insect populations decline. To ensure a steady supply of food, avoid using pesticides or chemicals in your yard, as these can harm the insects bluebirds feed on. Providing food sources such as grapes, cherries, and even mealworms can also help attract these insectivorous birds.

Water and Shelter

Bluebirds, like all birds, need a water source to drink and bathe. Consider adding a shallow birdbath to your yard to meet this need. Be sure to keep it clean and filled with fresh water to entice the birds to visit regularly.

Shelter is another crucial aspect of attracting bluebirds to your backyard. Installing a bluebird house or nest box with an opening of 1.5 inches in diameter will provide the proper structure for them to build their nests. These cavities mimic the ones they would find naturally in trees, which bluebirds often choose to nest in. Place the house or nest box on a pole or tree trunk, away from common predators like cats and other birds.

By offering the right habitat, food sources, water, and shelter, you can successfully attract bluebirds to your yard and enjoy their colorful presence and soothing songs all year round.

Preventing Predators and Parasites

Bluebirds face various threats, including predators and parasites. Protecting them from these dangers is crucial to ensure their nesting and breeding success. One effective method to safeguard bluebirds from predators is installing birdhouses on poles or pipes that are at least 4 feet tall, making it difficult for predators to reach them. Additionally, using a predator guard can provide extra security.

During the breeding season, bluebirds are particularly vulnerable to parasites such as larva and larvae. Interestingly, feeding bluebirds can help them become more resistant to these parasites. Providing food early in the breeding season yields better results, as it strengthens the young birds and enhances their immune response (ScienceDaily). Some common foods that bluebirds enjoy include grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, ants, spiders, moths, termites, and mosquitoes.

To prevent infestations, it’s essential to maintain cleanliness around the nest boxes. Remove any leftover food or debris to keep parasites at bay. In some cases, using insecticides may be necessary, but make sure to choose organic and bird-safe options.

Another approach to protect bluebirds from both predators and parasites is employing a stovepipe baffle. An 8-inch x 24-inch baffle is suitable for most situations, but creating a longer one (approximately 5 feet) can provide enhanced protection. It’s important to remember that nature has its own way of restoring balance, and our role as bluebird supporters is to facilitate conservation efforts.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can support bluebirds in overcoming the challenges posed by predators and parasites, ultimately ensuring their survival in their natural habitat.

Common Berry-Producing Plants

Bluebirds have a diverse diet, but they’re particularly fond of consuming various types of berries. A great way to attract these beautiful birds to your garden is by incorporating berry-producing plants. Here, we’ll discuss some common plants that produce the favorite berries of bluebirds.

Dogwood trees are not only admired for their stunning blooms, but they also bear berries that many bird species, including bluebirds, love. The high-fat content in these berries provides essential nutrients to the birds, especially during migration.

Another favorite among bluebirds is Holly. The bright red berries of the holly plant make it an attractive food source for these birds. Foster holly is an excellent choice as it can provide the nutritious berries bluebirds seek.

Juniper trees, specifically Eastern Red Cedar, are known for their blue-gray fruits. They’re actually cones made of fused scales, resembling berries. Bluebirds and cedar waxwings form a mutual relationship, both relishing the fruits of the juniper trees.

Sumac offers clusters of red berries, which are a popular choice for bluebirds and other bird species. While not traditionally known for its ornamental qualities, the sumac plant can be a valuable addition to your garden for its bird attraction properties.

Various grape species contribute to the bluebirds’ diet. Wild grapevines produce small berries that serve as a tasty snack for these feathered friends. Similarly, birds also enjoy feasting on different types of cherries, including wild black cherry.

Bluebirds also love raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Growing these berry-producing plants not only provides a food source for the birds but also offers a delightful treat for you and your family.

Among the berry-producing plants that attract bluebirds are elderberries and pokeweed. Both of these plants produce enticing, nutritious berries that bluebirds can’t resist during the summer and fall months.

Bluebirds are also known to consume cranberries, currants, raisins, and apples when available. Two more interesting plants, mistletoe and honeysuckle, offer an additional source of nourishment, their berries often enjoyed by bluebirds amidst other bird species.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of food do bluebirds prefer?

Bluebirds are primarily insectivorous, meaning they prefer to feed on insects like caterpillars, grasshoppers, snails, termites, and spiders, especially during the spring, summer, and early fall seasons. When the winter arrives and insect populations decrease, bluebirds will shift their diet to include more fruits and berries.

Can bluebirds eat from bird feeders?

Bluebirds can indeed eat from bird feeders, although they are less likely to be attracted to the typical birdseed provided for other species. To entice bluebirds to visit a bird feeder, you can supply mealworms or offer a homemade mix of peanut butter, cornmeal, flour, sunflower chips, grated peanuts, currants, and melted suet, as recommended by the Michigan Bluebirds Society.

How can you attract bluebirds to your yard?

To attract bluebirds to your yard, you can provide them with a variety of native plants that harbor their favorite insects. A diverse backyard with trees, shrubs, and flowers helps support a healthy bug population which, in turn, attracts bluebirds. Additionally, installing birdhouses specifically designed for bluebirds can encourage them to nest in your yard.

Do bluebirds consume birdseed?

Generally, bluebirds do not show much interest in birdseed, as their primary food preference is insects. However, they can consume other foods offered at feeders, such as mealworms or a homemade mix mentioned earlier.

What insects do bluebirds eat?

Bluebirds eat a wide range of insects, including beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, worms, insect larvae, and other small targets. Their insectivorous nature makes them valuable for naturally controlling insect populations in gardens and yards where they reside.

Do bluebirds eat fruit?

Yes, bluebirds do eat fruit. In fact, when their preferred food source of insects becomes scarce during the winter months, they turn to fruits and berries as an alternative. Some of the fruits they enjoy include grapes, cherries, and other small tree and vine fruits.

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